Rather than having New Year’s Resolutions because, face it, it is February and by now most people have already given up on their resolutions; I decided to make a “to do” list for the year. There are things I should do, things I have to do and things that I THINK I should do but I wanted to make a list of things I WANT to do. Decide what you want to do and do it. It is a simple concept. I want and need to get of the computer and outside. I also need to learn new things and produce or create stuff. This is basic human needs. I want to be in nature more and make more cool stuff.

So here is my list and a video where I talk about this list.

  1. Take a roadtrip to the Midwest. We’ll probably end up driving through 13 states.  We only made it to Denver 🙁
  2. Go camping at least 3 times.  Tonto Natural Bridge,  Grand Canyon
  3. Play on a sports team.
  4. Learn a song on the piano.
  5. Hike to the top of a mountain.  (squaw peak)
  6. Explore a cave.  (kartchner caverns)
  7. Perform at open mic standup or improv
  8. Sell a photograph.
  9. Make a mobile app.
  10. Give a $100 tip.
  11. Run a 10K race.
  12. Write a song. 
  13. Make a music video for my own song .  (The Sandwich Song)

It may seem like a lot but a year is plenty of time to do it all.  I already have 5 and 6 planned.  1 and 2 are being planned.  I could be half way done with the list in 3 months.

I want to hear your thoughts.  Think about what you want to do.  Do you have a bucket list?  Don’t put off what you want for what you think you have to do.  You don’t have to do anything. I would love to see some video responses or comments sharing what you want to do.

1 Comment

JC · February 24, 2013 at 5:12 pm

These all sound like perfectly do-able & fun things to do –except for the improv one. That one would terrify me. Haha! Best of luck crossing off each item from your list!

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