Push-Up Routine

image courtesy formerfatguyblog.com The best push up routine is one that you will do.  Make it a habit. I read on another blog about a simple routine from a military guy from WW2. Every morning he would do 3 sets of push-ups to exhaustion. The first set he would do Read more…

Amazing Google Spreadsheet Functions

I learned today about two cool features of Google Spreadsheets. I don’t think I will need Excel anymore. The two functions I learned about are GoogleLookup(“entity”,”attribute”) and GoogleFinance(“ticker”,”attribute”). The GoogleLookup function is amazing. In less than a minute you can populate tons of data about a list of items. For Read more…

A Crappy Proposal

Here is the story.  Try not to laugh too hard.  Reed Harris wanted to propose to his girlfriend in a creative way so he decides to hide the ring in her Wendy’s Frosty for her to find while they were out with a group of friends. There was one problem. Read more…

How Capitalism Will End…

And, for that matter, Freedom. Moral ethics and work ethic is what will save us.  No government policy will save capitalism or our economy.  In fact, I believe that increased government regulation has a habit of bringing out the worst in ethics.  Some people will do whatever it takes to Read more…

Priority Test

Here is a simple test I found.  I’m not sure how accurate it is but it is fun to think about. Look around at the site. There were a few other interesting tests like the Stress Test. Here’s the test… What would you do if you were in a situation Read more…

Coupon King

Over the past several months we have tested the waters with clipping coupons.  We got ourselves a Sunday paper and even started getting the coupons from my mother-in-laws paper each week.  It is amazing how much money you can save if you can come up with a system that you Read more…